Mar 27, 2012

Exit Quiz #8 Answers

1.   Identify two specific bones that form a hinge joint.
All of the answers below are correct:
a)     an elbow joint = humerus and ulna
b)     joints of fingers and toes (interphalangeal joints) = joints between distal and intermediate phalanges AND joints between intermediate and proximal phalanges
c)     metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb  
d)     an ankle joint = tibia, talus, and fibula
e)     a knee (a pivotal hinge joint) = tibia, femur, and patella

2. What is the function of the anterior cruciate ligament?  What type of impact typically injures the ACL?
Prevents forward sliding of the tibia on the femur and checks hypertension of the knee; Impact on anterior aspect of knee with leg planted causing a severe posterior bend.

3. What type of movement would be affected by injury to the masseter and temporalis muscles?
Mastication/chewing [masseter]; closing of jaw [temporalis]

4. What muscles are primarily responsible for inhaling? Diaphragm and external intercostals (NOT internal intercostals)

5. What is are the origin and insertion for the sternocleidomastoid?
O: manubrium of sternum and medial portion of the clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of occipital bone

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