Mar 20, 2012

Entrance Quiz #5 Answers

Entrance Quiz #5 Questions and Answers for the Lab Section #1 (8 A.M.):

  1. Which nerve innervates lateral rectus muscle? CN VI (abducens)
  2. What kind of nerves (sensory - S, motor – M or both - B) can you find in:
    a) dorsal rootlets S
    b) spinal nerve B
    c) posterior primary ramus B
  3. Identify the nerve. What sensations are perceived and/or what muscles/glands are innervated by this nerve? CN I (olfactory); smell (olfaction)
  4. What is the origin of the following nerves:
    a) Oculomotor (CN III) - midbrain b) Spinalaccessory (CN XI) - medula oblongata
  5. What kind of function (sensory - S, motor - M or both - B) have the following nerves:
    a) Trochlear (CN IV) - M b) Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) - S
  6. What sensations are perceived and/or what muscles/glands are innervated by the vestibulocochlear nerve? hearing and balance
  7. What is the parasympathetic function of the vagus (X) nerve? - innervates glands and smooth muscles of the gut, as well as heart, lungs, and pharynx
  8. Name the nerve that innervates the quadriceps. From which plexus does it originate? femoral; lumbar
  9. What is the optic disc? The optic disc is the location where axons exit the eye to form the optic nerve, and it is also the entry point for the major blood vessels that supply the retina. It's called "the blind spot," as there are no light sensitive rods or cones there.
  10. Where can you find the aqueous humor? anterior and posterior chambers of the eye/anterior segment/"in front of" lens

Entrance Quiz #5 Questions and Answers for the Lab Section #2 (10 A.M.):

  1. Which nerve innervates superior rectus muscle? CN III (oculomotor)
  2. What kind of nerves (sensory - S, motor – M or both - B) can you find in:
    a) ventral rootlets M
    b) spinal nerve B
    c) anterior primary ramus B
  3. Identify the nerve. What sensations are perceived and/or what muscles/glands are innervated by this nerve? CN I (olfactory); smell (olfaction)
  4. What is the origin of the following nerves:
    a) Abducens (CN VI) - pons b) Vagus (CN X) - medula oblongata
  5. What kind of function (sensory - S, motor - M or both - B) have the following nerves:
    a) Optic (CN II) - S b) Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) - B
  6. What sensations are perceived and/or what muscles/glands are innervated by the vestibulocochlear nerve? hearing and balance
  7. What is the parasympathetic function of the vagus (X) nerve? - innervates glands and smooth muscles of the gut, as well as heart, lungs, and pharynx
  8. Name the nerve that innervates the biceps. From which plexus does it originate? musculocutaneous; brachial
  9. What is the optic disc? The optic disc is the location where axons exit the eye to form the optic nerve, and it is also the entry point for the major blood vessels that supply the retina. It's called "the blind spot," as there are no light sensitive rods or cones there.
  10. Where can you find the aqueous humor? anterior and posterior chambers of the eye/anterior segment/"in front of" lens

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