Mar 6, 2012

Exit Quiz #6 Answers

1. What kind of nerves (sensory - S, motor - M or both - B) can you find in:
a) spinal nerves  B
b) ventral roots  M
c) dorsal rootlets  S

2. What is the largest nerve in the body? Where does it originate?
sciatic nerve, sacral plexus (L4-S4)
3. What are the parasympathetic functions of the facial (VII) nerve? Name 2.
innervates submandibular and sublingual salivary glands (to regulate saliva secretion)
innervates lacrimal glands (to secrete tears)

4. Which cranial nerves allow you to move your eyes?  CN III, IV, and VI (oculomotor, trochlear and abducens)
Where do they originate?  midbrain and pons

5. Which nerve innervates your diaphragm? Does it originate in your brachial plexus?
phrenic nerve; no 

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