Apr 5, 2012

Entrance Quiz #7 Answers

Entrance Quiz #7 Questions and Answers for the Lab Section #1 (8 A.M.):

  1. What kind of joint type is the hip joint? a ball-and-socket joint
  2. Name A. What is its origin? Sternocleidomastoid; it originates at the manubrium of the sternum and the clavicle
  3. Name A. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
  4. Name A. Orbicularis oris
  5. How is a joint that permits no movement called? Give an example of such joint. Synarthrosis; e.g. a suture or synchondrosis (epiphyseal growth plate) or gomphosis
  6. Name A and B. A: rectus abdominis B: linea alba
  7. What kind of joint type is an atlanto-axial joint? A pivot
  8. Name A. What is its action? temporalis; retracts and elevates the mandible
  9. Name A. Platysma
  10. Name A. Gluteus maximus

Entrance Quiz #7 Questions and Answers for the Lab Section #2 (10 A.M.):

  1. What kind of joint type is the elbow joint? a hinge joint
  2. Name A. What is its insert? Sternocleidomastoid; it has an insertion at the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull
  3. Name A. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
  4. Name A. Orbicularis oculi
  5. How is a joint that permits no movement called? Give an example of such joint. Synarthrosis; e.g. a suture or synchondrosis (epiphyseal growth plate) or gomphosis
  6. Name A and B. A: internal oblique B: linea alba
  7. What kind of joint type is an atlanto-axial joint? A pivot
  8. Name A. What is its action? Occipital belly of the epicranius; draws the skull backwards
  9. Name A. Platysma
  10. Name A. Gluteus maximus

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