Feb 14, 2012

Entrance Quiz #3 Answers

Quiz Answers for the 8 A.M. Lab:

  1. What is a suture? It is a type of non-movable fibrous joint (synarthrosis) made of a thin layer of dense fibrous connective tissue that unites skull bones. What bones are joined by the squamous suture? the parietal and temporal bones 
  2. Which sinus is shown on the picture below? the sphenoid
  3. What is the name of this bone? the temporal bone Name A and B. A: zygomatic process B: external acoustic meatus
  4. What is the name of this bone? mandible Name A and B. A: alveolar margin B: mental foramen
  5. What is the name of this bone? the zygomatic bone
  6. Identify A. crista galli
  7. Identify A. jugular foramen
  8. Identify A and B. A: optic canal B: inferior orbital fissure
  9. What is the name of this bone? (lumbar) vertebrae What is A? (superior) articular process
  10. What is the name of this bone? humerus What is A? trochlea

Quiz Answers for the 10 A.M. Lab:

  1. What is a suture? It is a type of non-movable fibrous joint (synarthrosis) made of a thin layer of dense fibrous connective tissue that unites skull bones. What bones are joined by the lambdoid suture? the parietal, temporal, and occipital bones
  2. Which sinus is shown on the picture below? the frontal
  3. What is the name of this bone? the temporal bone Name A and B. A: squamous region B: external acoustic meatus
  4. What is the name of this bone? mandible Name A and B. A: alveolar margin B: mental foramen
  5. What is the name of this bone? maxilla
  6. Identify A. crista galli
  7. Identify A. sella turica
  8. Identify A and B. A: optic canal B: superior orbital fissure
  9. What is the name of this bone? (lumbar) vertebrae What is A? (superior) articular process
  10. What is the name of this bone? humerus What is A? trochlea

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